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In three-day auction organized by KAPOPOULOS AUCTION HOUSE on 2nd, 3rd & 4th November at Mainstore (94,Varis – Koropiou Av.) will be auctioned the work of artist Constantinos Valaes in collaboration with tattoo artist Giannis Karampetsos Sake (VALAES x SAKE), worth 30.000-40.000 €, which was offered selflessly for those who affected by the fires in Mati, Athens.

The final sale amount will be offered in the special bank account in Bank of Greece from the Ministry of Finance for the succor of the fire victims in Mati, Attikis.

The auction will take part in Friday 2th of November in 22:00 and we will start without a reserve price.


We accept written offers at info@kapopoulosart.gr and phone offers at +30 210 8971 922.