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BENOIT PARE (1961 – ) is a French artist born in 1961 in Paris. In 1986 he moved in Greece where he lives and works since then.

After his initial studies in Paris at Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Cergy-Pontoise, Val d’Oise, he enriched his knowledge of visual arts through traveling in Europe and North America. Then he studied painting under the supervision of Nikos Kessanlis in the Athens School of Fine Arts (1987-1992) from which he graduated achieving the highest grade of 30/30.

Beyond painting, he has also involved himself in wall painting, byzantine art, graphic arts, stage-design, portraits, advertising and illustration (books, magazines, newspapers and the Internet).

Since 1998 he has been appointed professor of arts in secondary education and has been teaching at the gymnasium of the Athens children hospital.

As a painter he has shown his work in nine individual exhibitions in Greece and in Paris. He has also participated in group exhibitions in Greece, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Canada and the USA.

Individual Exhibitions:

2013 “comix mania”, Fine Arts Kapopoulos gallery, Athens

2010 “Summertime”, Fine Arts Kapopoulos gallery, Mykonos

2009 “Smile”, Fine Arts Kapopoulos gallery, Athens

2006 Adam Gallery, Athens

1999 Foundation for Art and Culture of Thrace, Xanthe

1994 French Institute of Athens

1992 French Institute of Athens, Piraeus branch

1991 French Institute of Thessaloniki

1989 «ΑΧΙΟΜΕ», Paris

Artist’s Work
